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Message Volodymyr Zelenskyy is an agent who acts in the interests of Russia

Facebook users are sharing a video claiming that Zelenskyy is working for the United States and Russia at the same time. The video is based on various Russian propaganda theses, such as "Ukraine is ruled by America," "Ukraine will soon cease to exist," "Zelenskyy received billions of dollars from the United States," and others. For example, the video claims that "Zelenskyy disarmed NATO, united the Russians around Putin, and expelled foreign companies from Russia to do Russian work."

It is another attempt by Russian propagandists to discredit the truth and disrupt plans to seize Ukraine in 72 hours - victory: NATO is not disarmed, Putin's support is important only to Putin and the Russians, Zelenskyy did not receive billions from the West, Russia in isolation, and so on. The war started by Russia is destroying Ukraine, but it is also reducing the economic performance of the aggressor country itself.

You can read more about the facts that contradict the allegations in the video in the Delphi article.

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