Spilnota Detector Media
Detector Media collects and documents real-time chronicles of the Kremlin propaganda about the Russian invasion. Ukraine for decades has been suffering from Kremlin propaganda. Here we document all narratives, messages, and tactics, which Russia is using from February 17th, 2022. Reminder: the increasing of shelling and fighting by militants happened on the 17th of February 2022 on the territory of Ukraine. Russian propaganda blames Ukraine for these actions

On 15 March, on the 1115th day of the full-scale war, our editorial office recorded:

Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Fake Monkey named after Zelenskyi at Texas zoo

Such information was disseminated in social networks, in particular, in telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say that allegedly in one of the Texas private zoos, one can take a picture with a monkey named Zelenskyi for $5. Users publish photos of the monkey and tables with information about it. The authors of the report add that the monkey is dressed in “characteristic for Zelenskyi’s clothes”: a green sweater with an embroidered coat of arms of Ukraine, in this way drawing a parallel with the military uniform of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It's a lie.

Analysts from the VoxCheck project investigated this case and found that the photo with the monkey data was edited using a graphic editor. Analysts tried to find the photo due to a reverse search on Google Images. Among the search results are only publications in Russian media and messages in Russian social networks that are blocked in Ukraine. In the Ukrainian segment or foreign, such a photo was not published.

Fact-checkers also found the original photo and made sure: the photo was reflected in the photo editor, the color of the monkey's outerwear was changed and the State Emblem of Ukraine was added.

By spreading such a fake, propagandists want to discredit Zelenskyi, who is allegedly despised in the West. Previously, propagandists spread messages about fake graffiti with Zelenskyi in public places, fake magazine covers, etc.

Message The West does not allow the Ukrainian military to use its equipment as “foreign mercenaries” are engaged in this

This thesis was circulated on social networks, in particular on Telegram broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. The reports say that all operators of foreign weapons, such as the Challenger 2 tanks or the AS90 artillery mount, are “foreign mercenaries”. They say that Western countries do not trust Ukrainians and entrust their equipment on the battlefield only to foreigners. The authors of the reports note that the Ukrainian army is only engaged in “protecting equipment” and in some cases, according to them, “foreigners allow Ukrainians to steer”.

Such a thesis is unfounded, because the Ukrainian military use foreign weapons on their own. For example, recently a group of Ukrainian military arrived in the UK to train to use the AS90 self-propelled artillery mount. Earlier, the British government announced that it would transfer Challenger 2 tanks to Ukraine for use. This indicates that the Ukrainian army and Ukrainians in particular are entrusted with the use of weapons. This is not the only case when the Ukrainian army is sent for training and taught to use foreign weapons.

As for the so-called “foreign mercenaries”, Russian propaganda replaces the concept and calls the foreign legion mercenaries. The Foreign Legion is legally part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the exact number of its members is not reported, like all other fighters. In theory, both the Ukrainian military and members of the foreign legion can use weapons. The ban does not apply to Ukrainians or the foreign legion, since they are all part of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Accordingly, foreign countries, sending their weapons for use to Ukraine, give the Armed Forces of Ukraine the right to operate them.

Russian propaganda has repeatedly spread manipulations about so-called foreign mercenaries in Ukraine. The propagandists claimed that the military from the EU countries fought on the territory of Ukraine even before the full-scale invasion, or the number of foreigners in the Ukrainian army would soon exceed 50%. Thus, propaganda wants to create an appearance that is actually at war not with Ukraine, but with the so-called collective West.

Fake During a visit to Warsaw, Joe Biden fell down the stairs of a plane

Such information was disseminated in social networks, in particular, in telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say that upon Joe Biden's arrival in Warsaw, when getting off the plane, he caught on the stairs and fell down. The authors of the messages add that “this is the president's foreign policy”. A video is added to the publication, where you can see that Joe Biden is rolling down the stairs. It is not true.

Analysts of the MythDetector project investigated this case and found that Joe Biden is not depicted on the distributed shot. In a video broadcast by the Polish TV channel TVN24, one can see that it was actually one of the members of the US delegation who fell while trying to go down. Analysts explain that this shot was cut from a TVN24 special, but the full version is freely available. Therefore, one can watch it and make sure that a member of the delegation fell, leaving the back of the plane, and Joe Biden got out of the front without any incidents.

Propagandists systematically spread fakes about Ukrainian partners in order to discredit them. Thus, Russian propaganda uses the tactics of ridicule and tries to create the illusion that Ukrainian partners are despised. Drawing parallels with the so-called fall and the results of “foreign policy”, the authors of the messages want to emphasize that the decisions of the West on Russia are “meaningless and unworthy of attention”.

Tactics and tools How Russian propaganda uses the tactics of appealing to authority

Appeal to authority is a propaganda tactic in which propagandists resort to quoting famous people or experts in a particular field to promote messages. Like, if the argument is in parallel with the statement of an authoritative person, then it is true.

Russian propaganda systematically quotes Western pro-Russian politicians or public figures to promote disinformation narratives. Russian propaganda presents the pro-Russian position of an individual as a generalized public opinion in a particular country.

For example, in order to create the illusion that even in the United States, more and more people “support Russia” or “understand Putin”, or “believe in the victorious power of the Russian army”, they use the American former military. One such expert is Colonel Douglas McGregor, ex-advisor of the head of the Pentagon. In 2014, McGregor supported the annexation of Crimea and spoke on RT, where he claimed that the inhabitants of Crimea were Russians, not Ukrainians. From the first day of the full-scale invasion, MacGregor predicted an imminent defeat for Ukraine. At the end of December 2022, Russian media quoted McGregor as saying that “almost nothing will be left of Ukraine” in the near future.

Another expert is Doug Bandow, an American scholar and columnist for The American Conservative. His quotes were used to promote messages about censorship and lies in the Ukrainian information space. In an op-ed, Bandow claimed that the Center for Counteracting Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine had formed a list of “naughty Americans who refuse to dance to the tune of the Zelenskyi and Ukrainian governments” (i.e., a list of pro-Russian experts). To fight with the Ukrainian Center, according to Bandow, the United States should also create a center to counter disinformation. In fact, The American Conservative has also repeatedly published materials in tune with Russian propaganda narratives.

Russian propaganda uses the Polish fake publication Niezależny Dziennik Polityczny (an independent political magazine) both to spread Russian propaganda in Poland and to quote the supposedly Polish publication in the Russian and Ukrainian information spaces. As Polish journalists found out, most of the publications on the website of this publication were literally copied from other portals; thus, the impression of a full-fledged media is formed. The publication's own materials are Russian propaganda and lies. For example, it was this publication that published fabricated statements by American generals that the Poles were drunkards, drug addicts, and thieves. Most of the texts are written in poor Polish, saturated with Russians, there are impossible language constructions in the texts. The editor of the publication, Adam Kaminsky, is a fictitious person. Instead of his photograph, a portrait of the Lithuanian traumatologist Andrius Zhukauskas was used. Among other things, this fake publication was used to promote messages that NATO is “supplying scrap to Ukraine”,that is, old, ineffective weapons, in order to “clean out warehouses” and “recycle old trash”.

Message West wants to draw Belarus into a war with Ukraine

Such information was disseminated in social networks, in particular in telegram channels broadcasting pro-Russian rhetoric. Reports say that the West is provoking Belarus to war. Like, the leaders of Western countries have a clear secret plan, recently revealed by Russian intelligence. At the same time, the authors of the messages add that Russia has never involved Belarus in the war, because they are sister countries.

Analysts of the EU vs Disinfo project drew attention to the case and determined that the Western countries have no “secret: plans, since the leaders of the countries are not at all interested in the escalation of the war. Analysts are sure that this is a hoax and another conspiracy theory of Russian propaganda. In the conditions of the Russian aggressive war against Ukraine, European countries are forced to strengthen their borders, build up the defense capability of their armies in order to resist any external aggression. Therefore, the security of Ukraine means the security of the countries of Europe.

At the same time, Russia is trying to convince that Belarus is not an accomplice to the war, although it is not. Belarus serves as a springboard for Russian troops, missiles and aircraft both before and after Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The American Institute for the Study of War says that Russia is trying to “put pressure on Belarus so that it officially supports Russia in the war”. That is, Russia is the aggressor, but by no means the countries of the West. Moreover, the self-proclaimed president of Belarus, Lukashenko, acknowledged the participation of Belarus in Russia's war against Ukraine.

Propagandists systematically discredit the West and other international partners of Ukraine and accuse them of resolving and prolonging the war. Like, the West wants the escalation of the war, while Russia is defending itself. Thus, propagandists use the tactics of reflection, attributing their actions to opponents.

Disclosure How Ukrainian telegram channels speculate on the subject of air raid alert

Such information is disseminated in social networks of the Ukrainian segment, including Facebook. Reports say that a “missile radar” has been introduced in Ukraine that monitors the flight path of an enemy missile and reports it to the Ukrainians. To connect such an application to your smartphone, the authors of the messages offer to follow their telegram channel.

Analysts of the NotaYenota project investigated the telegram channels of the Ukrainian segment and determined that community administrators are speculating on the topic of air alerts, in particular, to increase their audience.

In fact, no such application exists. In Ukraine, it is not yet possible to accurately track the trajectory of a missile using a “radar”. However, Ukraine will soon be testing the Israeli air raid system, which consists in increasing the power of radars. The Ukrainian alert system works like this: when Russian planes take off, for example, in Belarus, the alarm spreads immediately in all the northern regions of Ukraine. The Israeli system, on the other hand, calculates where the rocket is flying, and the siren turns on sectorally at a specific location. The siren also gives a special signal indicating how many minutes people have to go to a  shelter.

However, the “Israeli air raid system” refers to the modernization of existing equipment, no applications need to be downloaded for this. It is beneficial for telegram channel administrators to parasitize on socially important and emotionally complex topics, such as air raid alerts or the “repeated offensive” of the Russian army in order to achieve their goals and intimidate Ukrainians.

Orest Slyvenko, Artur Koldomasov, Vitalii Mykhailiv, Oleksandra Kotenko, Oleksandr Siedin, Kostiantyn Zadyraka, and Oleksiy Pivtorak are collaborating on this chronicle. Lesia Bidochko serves as the project coordinator, while Ksenia Ilyuk is the author of the project.