Spilnota Detector Media
Detector Media collects and documents real-time chronicles of the Kremlin disinformation about the Russian invasion. Ukraine for decades has been suffering from Kremlin disinformation. Here we document all narratives, messages, and tactics, which Russia is using from February 17th, 2022. Reminder: the increasing of shelling and fighting by militants happened on the 17th of February 2022 on the territory of Ukraine. Russian propaganda blames Ukraine for these actions.

On 27 October, on the 976th day of the full-scale war, our editorial office recorded:

Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Fake Poland allegedly has nowhere to house flood victims due to Ukrainian refugees

A number of pro-Russian sources have spread the “news” that those evacuated as a result of the flood in Poland have nowhere to stay, because “all the places are occupied by Ukrainians”. As evidence, the propagandists cited a publication by an allegedly injured Polish woman named Dagmara Malynowska, who wanted to evacuate to a hotel with her child, but they were allegedly refused.

Therefore, the woman and her daughter were apparently forced to spend the night in a camp on the site of a school, where the child contracted pneumonia. Finally, as the Russians claim, Dagmara called on the authorities to check why Ukrainian refugees are provided better conditions than Polish citizens.

However, Russian propagandists have faked the publication. StopFake journalists found the original message by Dagmara Malinovskaya with such a photo. In the post, the woman did not write anything about Ukrainians who allegedly occupied all the places in the hotels. In fact, Dagmara published information that Primary School No. 3 was accepting evacuees and also needed humanitarian aid: water, warm food and blankets.

The Polish woman later personally refuted the Russian propaganda, stating that she had not written it. She also added that she had not been evacuated and that she did not have a daughter.

With this fake, the Russians want to spoil the attitude of Poles towards Ukrainian refugees and to quarrel with residents of neighboring countries. Earlier, we recorded a Russian message about “possible reduction of jobs for Polish teachers in favor of educators from Ukraine”.

Fake Russians are spreading disinformation that Ivan Franko Lviv National University has opened recruitment for a team of “language inspectors”

The Russian propaganda Telegram channel writes that the initiative of Ivano-Frankivsk Mayor Ruslan Martsinkiv to create so-called language patrols in the city has caused a stir in western Ukraine. Thus, the Ivan Franko Lviv National University has allegedly already opened recruitment for a team of “language inspectors”. Among the promised items are free lunches, career growth, and team building at BANDERA CAMP.

Lviv University has not announced recruitment for “language inspectors”. There is no such information on the Ivan Franko Lviv National University website or on higher education pages in social networks.

In fact, Russian propagandists are speculating on the initiative of the mayor of Ivano-Frankivsk. Martsinkiv explained that such patrols will tolerantly make comments when using the Russian language and offer to attend language courses. He also added that this is a volunteer initiative, the volunteers themselves will not have any special powers and, accordingly, will not punish violators. And the Commissioner for the Protection of the State Language Taras Kremen commented on this initiative, emphasizing that Ivano-Frankivsk was the only regional center that did not have a language program.

In addition, the image distributed by the Russians contains things that give away the propagandists. For example, the photo of a guy standing with a sign saying “we will fight until the end” repeats the Russian narrative of a war until the “last Ukrainian”.

With this disinformation, the Russians are pursuing the goal of feeding their long-standing message about the oppression of the “Russian-speaking population” in Ukraine. Previously, we analyzed the disinformation that Zelenskyi started a war against the Russian-speaking population of Donbas.

Disclosure Russians continue to send Ukrainian children from the occupied territories of Donbas to Russia for “re-education”

Russian invaders continue to carry out large-scale deportation of Ukrainian children to Russian territory under the pretext of so-called recreation in children's camps. As reported by the Center for National Resistance, this is also about propaganda “re-education” of the younger generation.

Thus, 430 children from occupied Donetsk are being sent by local collaborators to Taganrog (Russia) for preventive rest. There, Ukrainian students will undergo a two-week course of “re-education”. That is, we are talking primarily about the militarization and Russification of children.

The CNS adds that there are known cases where parents, having sent their children to such camps, are subsequently unable to return them due to bureaucratic or physical obstacles, which threatens family reunification.

Information about occupiers and collaborators can be sent to the anonymous telegram bot CNS. Also there, after reading the instructions, one can learn how to bring the time of deoccupation of Ukrainian lands closer.

Fake The Kremlin's mouthpieces' lie that the Ukrainian Armed Forces have created “concentration camps” in Kursk region

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mariia Zakharova has once again stated that in Kursk Oblast, Ukrainian soldiers are allegedly “at gunpoint” driving Russian civilians into “concentration camps”. Russia's permanent representative to the UN Vasyl Nebenzia made an identical statement. He also added that “from 70 to 100 civilians were subjected to violence in the basements of the Sudzhanskyi boarding school”.

In fact, this information is not true, as reported by the Center for Countering Disinformation.

With this fake, Moscow is trying to shift the focus of attention from the Russian filtration camps that have been massively created by Russians in the occupied territories of Ukraine since the beginning of the full-scale war, thereby violating international humanitarian law. However, no fakes of Kremlin propaganda absolve Russia of responsibility for its war crimes.

The Center for Countering Disinformation adds that with the help of “filtration measures” the Russian occupiers identify disloyal people and intimidate Ukrainian civilians. Many of those who did not pass the filtration ended up in Russian prisons, were subjected to torture, etc.

Earlier, we recorded a fake story that allegedly “mercenaries” of the Ukrainian Armed Forces had shown extreme cruelty towards residents of the Kursk region.

Fake Fake about how Ukraine sold 85 children from Bakhmut for illegal adoption in the EU

Information is being spread online that Ukrainian children with disabilities are allegedly being illegally taken to EU countries, where they are illegally adopted, in particular by same-sex families and drug addicts, or sold for organs. In their publications, propagandists cite the head of the Anti-Repression Foundation, Mira Terada.

However, it turned out that Mira Terada is a Russian citizen spreading Russian propaganda, and not an independent international human rights activist. There is no evidence that Ukraine is trafficking children from the war zone.

The Anti-Repression Foundation itself is an organization created by Yevhenii Pryhozhyn, the founder of the Wagner terrorist organization within the Russian army,  which is recognized by the Ukrainian parliament as an international criminal organization.

By spreading disinformation that speculates on the life of children in war conditions, in particular the so-called children of Donbas, Russian propaganda seeks to discredit Ukraine and the Ukrainian government in the eyes of both its own and Western society.

In the stories of Russian propaganda about the life of children in the occupied territories and in the combat zone, the Ukrainian authorities and military are portrayed as ruthless “punishers” whose goal is to exterminate the so-called people of Donbas, who “voluntarily chose to be with Russia”.

Orest Slyvenko, Artur Koldomasov, Vitalii Mykhailiv, Oleksandra Kotenko, Oleksandr Siedin, Kostiantyn Zadyraka, and Oleksiy Pivtorak are collaborating on this chronicle. Lesia Bidochko serves as the project coordinator, while Ksenia Ilyuk is the author of the project.