Spilnota Detector Media
Detector Media collects and documents real-time chronicles of the Kremlin disinformation about the Russian invasion. Ukraine for decades has been suffering from Kremlin disinformation. Here we document all narratives, messages, and tactics, which Russia is using from February 17th, 2022. Reminder: the increasing of shelling and fighting by militants happened on the 17th of February 2022 on the territory of Ukraine. Russian propaganda blames Ukraine for these actions.

On 25 October, on the 974th day of the full-scale war, our editorial office recorded:

Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Disclosure Why Discord was blocked in Russia

Russian authorities have blocked the Discord messenger, popular mainly among gamers and students. The blocking of Discord did not stop even the fact that it is used by the Russian military. Now “war correspondents” (that is, the same propagandists) are criticizing Roskomnadzor, accusing it of almost sabotage.

The formal reason for blocking is the presence of “illegal and extremist content” and the unwillingness of the messenger’s management to remove publications at the request of the Russian authorities. However, as reported by the Center for Countering Disinformation, the Kremlin’s decision to block yet another Internet resource of Western origin is part of a strategy to isolate Russians from information so that they do not have access to any information alternative to Russian propaganda.

Earlier, Russian authorities blocked Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, X and some other resources. YouTube is facing restrictions in its work. The CPI adds that the blocking of independent resources in Russia will probably continue until the creation of the so-called "sovereign Internet" completely controlled by the Kremlin.

Fake Fake advertising that you can win a tablet for joining the Ukrainian Legion

A pro-Russian resource has spread information that an advertisement for Ukrainians to join the Ukrainian Legion has been placed in a Polish aid distribution center in Lublin. It says that an Apple iPad tablet will allegedly be raffled off among those who join the Ukrainian Legion. As proof, the propagandists publish a corresponding image.

In fact, no reliable Polish or Ukrainian media outlet reported the existence of such an ad. A search for this photo using Google's reverse image function also yielded no results.

In the Polish city of Lublin, on Defenders' Day, October 1, 2024, a recruiting center of the Ukrainian Legion really opened. However, neither the Ukrainian Legion website nor the social networks of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine contain information about the Apple tablet raffle. Probably, propagandists simply made up this news, reacting to the opening of the first recruiting center of the Ukrainian Legion abroad.

Previously, we analyzed Russian manipulation, saying that Ukraine is recruiting mentally unstable foreigners.

Fake Fake graffiti with The Beatles and Zelenskyi

Russian Telegram channels are distributing a photo of graffiti that allegedly appeared in London. According to the propagandists, it was created on a wall under a bridge near Paul McCartney's house. The graffiti allegedly depicts The Beatles with Volodymyr Zelenskyi “stealing a wallet” from George Harrison.

In fact, this information is not true. This fake first began to spread in August 2024, and now it has been given a “second life”. This is reported by the Center for Countering Disinformation. There is no real evidence of the existence of such graffiti. Also, not a single reliable British publication reported on such a drawing in London. The fact that the graffiti image is fake is also indicated by the fact that it is being distributed mainly in the Russian segment of social networks and among pro-Russian foreign audiences.

With this disinformation, Russian propagandists are trying to discredit the Ukrainian president, in particular, before a Western audience. We have already documented such fakes many times. For example, about graffiti with an F-16 aircraft lost in Ukraine, which allegedly appeared near the Pentagon.

Fake Russian fake about the disappearance of the 152nd separate ranger brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces together with the commander

Russian sources are spreading messages online that during military operations in the Pokrovsk direction, the 152nd separate ranger brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces allegedly disappeared along with its commander. The publications write that Ukrainian soldiers are disappearing en masse, and their relatives cannot obtain any information about the fate of their loved ones.

In fact, this is fake. The Center for Countering Disinformation verified this information with the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and reported that the 152nd Brigade continues to carry out combat missions, and the statements about its “disappearance” are unfounded.

Such fakes by Russians are aimed at sowing panic among Ukrainian society, causing mistrust of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, and demoralizing Ukrainian soldiers and their families. We previously refuted information that the 128th separate mountain assault brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces allegedly abuses mobilized soldiers.

Disclosure How Russia manipulates numbers to create the illusion of prosperity in the occupied territories

The Russians are spreading information that the volume of steel production in the occupied territories allegedly increased by 25% in 2023 - it is about 2.33 million tons. In reporting this, the propagandists refer to the Russian Minister of Industry and Trade Anton Alikhanov.

However, in reality, the figures cited by the Russian official are meager compared to the volume of work of the metallurgical industry in the region before the full-scale invasion and occupation. The Azovstal plant alone, which the Russians destroyed with massive shelling, produced twice as much steel in 2021 as the entire current metallurgical industry in the occupied territories. This is written by the Center for Countering Disinformation.

By talking about “successes”, the Russian minister is pushing a propaganda narrative that Russia is allegedly bringing stability, investment, and economic development to the occupied regions, something that did not exist under Ukrainian control. In this way, he is trying to justify the occupation of Ukrainian territories and create the illusion of greater prospects for the region.

Earlier we wrote that in the occupied territories the Kremlin has stepped up measures of so-called disruptions.

Fake Video of a 70-year-old pensioner who was allegedly beaten for refusing to hand over potatoes to the Ukrainian Armed Forces

Propagandists regularly create videos to discredit Ukrainian military and volunteers, as well as to demoralize society. This time, due to comments in various channels and groups, they are massively distributing another fake, which was noticed by specialists from the NotaYenota project. This is a short 46-second video, filmed in vertical format with the logo of the Yedyni Novyny (The Only News) telethon. It tells the story of a 70-year-old pensioner who was allegedly beaten for refusing to provide Ukrainian soldiers with potatoes. They say that because of her decision, the military will go hungry. The video states that she “rudely refused”, spoke Russian and complained about low pensions and high prices.

However, such a video was not available on any media outlet included in the United News telethon. The logo is used to give the video authority, to create the impression that this is reliable material. Propagandists often use logos of well-known media outlets to create the illusion of truthfulness. This video plays well on emotions, but it does not contain any specific information - neither the name of the pensioner or the volunteer who allegedly beat her, nor any mention of potatoes. The police did not report such incidents, and the video consists of blurry footage where it is impossible to identify a single person. Such fakes deliberately simplify the situation, causing an emotional response and forcing people to invent details. The video recalls that the State Bureau of Investigation allegedly opened a criminal case, although this is not true, since the State Bureau of Investigation only has jurisdiction over officials, law enforcement officers and war criminals.

Propaganda thus tries to create an image of cruel and heartless soldiers or volunteers, allegedly attacking civilians. This is aimed at undermining trust and support for the defenders of Ukraine, in particular among the population that provides them with assistance. The fake is also intended to exacerbate hostility between different groups of the population - volunteers, soldiers and civilians. This division contributes to the weakening of unity, which is a key component for defending the country in war. By spreading fake stories about conflicts within society, propagandists try to demoralize citizens and create a sense of hopelessness. Such videos are used to sow doubt and pessimism, creating the impression of disorder in society. The use of fake stories with emotional triggers, such as the beating of a pensioner, is aimed at causing indignation and negative emotions, which contributes to the faster spread of disinformation among people. The Kremlin is also trying to portray Ukraine as an unstable state where social conflicts are taking place, which can affect the international community and reduce the level of support from other countries.

Orest Slyvenko, Artur Koldomasov, Vitalii Mykhailiv, Oleksandra Kotenko, Oleksandr Siedin, Kostiantyn Zadyraka, and Oleksiy Pivtorak are collaborating on this chronicle. Lesia Bidochko serves as the project coordinator, while Ksenia Ilyuk is the author of the project.