Spilnota Detector Media
Detector Media collects and documents real-time chronicles of the Kremlin disinformation about the Russian invasion. Ukraine for decades has been suffering from Kremlin disinformation. Here we document all narratives, messages, and tactics, which Russia is using from February 17th, 2022. Reminder: the increasing of shelling and fighting by militants happened on the 17th of February 2022 on the territory of Ukraine. Russian propaganda blames Ukraine for these actions.

On 07 October, on the 956th day of the full-scale war, our editorial office recorded:

Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Сonspiracy theories How conspiracy theorists explain events in Ukraine and the world: the theory of “cultural attrition of Russia”

Conspiracy theorists and propagandists using this theory argue that the Ukrainian government is deliberately erasing the Russian language and culture from public life, education and the media, and therefore infringes on its speakers and creates a reason for Russia to protect them on the territory of Ukraine. They say that Ukraine is allegedly being pushed to do this by the West, which is using it as an instrument of its hybrid war against Russia.

One of the triggers for this theory is the issue of language. Legislative initiatives, such as the Language Law, which requires the use of Ukrainian in educational institutions, government agencies and the media, are considered by supporters of this theory as oppression of the Russian-speaking population. The closure or reformatting of Russian-language schools is also perceived.

Changes in school textbooks, which focus on the glorification of Ukrainian national heroes and emphasize the negative aspects of the joint history with Russia, are seen as a way of artificially creating an anti-Russian narrative. Conspiracy theorists also provide confirmation of their arguments by the fact that Russian literature and history are excluded from educational curricula. The introduction of restrictions on the broadcasting of Russian television channels and radio stations, as well as the ban on Russian books and films, has the same reaction. They say this proves that Ukraine is not a democratic and European country. All these elements are the main components of this theory.

Russian propaganda actively uses this theory to strengthen anti-Ukrainian sentiments both within the country and in the international arena, carrying out the replacement of concepts and using tactics of reflection, since it was Russia for centuries that tried to erase Ukrainian culture and show it as inferior. The Ukrainian government is portrayed as exclusively nationalistic and persecuting Russian-speaking citizens and suppressing their rights. In view of this, Russia presents itself as a defender of the Russian-speaking population, both in Ukraine and in other countries in the region, justifying its aggressive policies.

The spread of false information about linguistic and cultural repression within Ukraine is also aimed at causing the international community to question the legitimacy of the Ukrainian government's actions. To do this, Russia uses international platforms and media in an attempt to influence public opinion and reduce the level of support for Ukraine abroad.

The use of the theory of “cultural attrition” is also necessary to mobilize public support within Russia, emphasizing the need to protect the “brotherly people”. By portraying Ukraine's policies as dictated by the West, propaganda attempts to stoke anti-Western sentiment and fears of loss of cultural identity.

Message Ukraine allegedly regularly violates the Chemical Weapons Convention

The head of the radiation, chemical and biological defense forces of the Russian Armed Forces, Ihor Kyrylov, said that the Ukrainian regime allegedly “regularly violates the Chemical Weapons Convention”. However, this is not true.

This was brought to the attention of the Center for Countering Disinformation under the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine. Ihor Kyrylov did not provide any concrete evidence for his accusations. This tactic is typical of Russian propaganda, which tries to create an image of Ukraine as an aggressor. However, in the international community, such statements without backing them up with facts do not find support and only undermine confidence in Russian officials.

Without providing any evidence, Russian propaganda also uses deflection tactics, accusing Ukraine of crimes that are actually committed by the Russian army. Russian propaganda often uses tactics to divert attention from its own violations and create a perception that the war is symmetrical.

Despite the accusations against Ukraine, many messages from pro-Russian telegram channels and other sources indicate the use of chemical weapons by the Russian military. This includes the use of chemicals on the battlefield and violation of international conventions prohibiting such actions. These facts are widely known and documented, which casts doubt on any unfounded accusations against Ukraine.

Thus, attempts by Russian propaganda to discredit Ukraine based on unfounded accusations have no chance of success, since they do not correspond to real facts and only deepen Russia’s isolation in the international arena.

Fake Video of the “mobilization of women” in the Territorial center of recruitment and social support

Propagandists are distributing on telegram channels, where they spread pro-Russian rhetoric, a video in which men in military uniforms are leading an actively resisting woman somewhere. Publications are signed with the words “The Territorial center of recruitment and social support has taken on women”, hinting at the allegedly forced mobilization of women in Ukraine.

In this case, propagandists simply used a video with a different context to create a fake. In fact, the distributed video shows a conflict between a woman and employees of the State Border Service of Ukraine, which occurred in Transcarpathia, as experts from the StopFake project found out.

Press secretary of the Mukachevo border detachment Lesia Fedorova, in a comment to the Suspilne, clarified that the incident occurred on June 30, 2024 on the outskirts of the village of Nyzhnia Apsha, Tiachevskyi district. The driver of a Mercedes-Benz Vito minibus, while in a queue of cars at the checkpoint, drove into the oncoming lane and tried to evade the check.

“The woman ignored the legal demands of the border guards, arguing her refusal by not wanting to stand in line because she was in a hurry to go on vacation. During communication with the 19-year-old border guard, the woman behaved rudely and dismissively, using obscene language and offensive sayings. Then, having made a maneuver dangerous to the life and health of the serviceman, she fled the scene at high speed”, said the press secretary of the Mukachevo border detachment. Border guards pursued the car that violated the rules, and, despite the woman’s resistance, detained her and took her to the border unit, where they drew up a report on an administrative offense under Art. 185-10 of the Code of Ukraine on administrative offenses.

Mobilization in Ukraine is one of the main themes that Russian propaganda actively uses to spread disinformation and destabilize the situation in the country. In particular, Russian propaganda not only disseminates information about abuses during mobilization, presenting them as a “common occurrence”, but also creates outright fakes and staged videos to demoralize Ukrainians. The narrative that there are already not enough men in Ukraine and therefore women are being mobilized is also one of the common ones.

Fake Ukrainian refugees allegedly desecrated a mosque in Berlin

Propagandists are spreading information in the media and social networks that Ukrainian refugees allegedly desecrated a mosque in Berlin. Russian propaganda claims that the Ukrainians planted a pig's head wrapped in a Palestinian flag with the inscription “Ukraine supports Israel”. Such “news” refers to the German-language “news resource” Berliner-wochenzeitung, which published fake photographs of the “incident”.

After the dissemination of such information, StopFake checked whether a similar incident involving Ukrainian refugees had occurred in Germany. However, it turned out that the propagandists simply made up this news.

The “newest resource” of the Berliner-wochenzeitung, which acted as the primary source of fake news, has nothing to do with the media. There are only about 50 materials on it (as of July 5), the first of which appeared just a few weeks before the publication about the incident in the mosque - on June 18. On the page of this media it is also impossible to find any information about its editorial office, location and contact information, as real media usually indicate.

StopFake contacted the Berlin mosque (Die Berliner Moschee), which was allegedly desecrated, to find out the details of the incident. The imam of the mosque, Amir Aziz, said that there was no such incident.

The Center for Countering Disinformation, which also checked the propaganda news, verified the information at the Ukrainian Embassy in Germany and the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry. They reported that the Berlin police had not received any complaints regarding such an “incident”.

Propagandists spread such fake news to discredit Ukrainian refugees and reduce the level of trust among Europeans. Like, they don’t need to be supported if they behave badly.

Manipulation Denmark allegedly refused to train Ukrainian pilots on the F-16 due to “their inability to learn”

Propagandists are spreading a “news” story on social networks, which claims that Denmark allegedly refused to train Ukrainian pilots on F-16 aircraft due to their “learning disabilities”. The 42-second video is edited in the format of a news story with the channel name NewsFlash and the caption “Planes don’t fly”. At the top of the video it says live, which should indicate a live broadcast. However, this is manipulation.

StopFake project specialists tried to determine whether the NewsFlash news channel really exists. Several accounts with this name were found on YouTube, but none of them distributed this video. The earliest version of this story can be found on the Moscow Never Lies YouTube channel dated June 25, 2024. The page notes that this is “Russian satirical news No. 1 from Dmytro Medviediev and Pieskov on Telegram!” There are also numerous videos labeled “NewsFlash”. Although the video was likely originated by a satirical channel, the story was widely disseminated among pro-Russian Telegram channels, X (formerly Twitter) and Facebook users.

Analysis of the plot showed that it consists of different videos. For example, for a comment allegedly belonging to a NATO general, declaring the degree of “training” of the Ukrainian military, a video was used by the Ukrainian Mission to NATO, published on May 1, 2024 on its official Facebook page. The video shows a Ukrainian military pilot nicknamed “Moonfish”. The soldier is currently training on the F-16 in the UK.

Also featured in the fake video is General Jan Dam, commander of the Royal Danish Air Force, allegedly declaring the “fall” of all F-16 aircraft in the simulator. In the real video from which this fragment is taken, the Danish general talks about the advantages of the F-16 for Ukraine.

It is the statement that Denmark refused to train Ukrainian pilots on the F-16 due to their “inability to learn” that is not true. On June 24, Danish Defense Minister Trols Lund Poulsen, during a joint press conference with his Norwegian counterpart Bern Arild Gramm, said that by the end of 2024 Denmark would stop training Ukrainian pilots on F-16 aircraft. However, the training is being stopped due to Denmark's transition to more modern F-35 fighters, which will use Skrydstrup Air Base, where Ukrainian pilots are trained. The Danish Minister of Defense also noted that the country will be able to facilitate the training of Ukrainian pilots in other countries.

Propagandists spread such manipulations to discredit the Armed Forces of Ukraine and stop the supply of weapons from Ukraine’s allies. They say that the Ukrainian military is not capable of controlling Western weapons, which means there is no point in transferring them.

Orest Slyvenko, Artur Koldomasov, Vitalii Mykhailiv, Oleksandra Kotenko, Oleksandr Siedin, Kostiantyn Zadyraka, and Oleksiy Pivtorak are collaborating on this chronicle. Lesia Bidochko serves as the project coordinator, while Ksenia Ilyuk is the author of the project.