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Fake Zelensky ordered to replace the monument to Catherine II in Odesa with a monument to the American porn actor

The Russian media manipulated an electronic petition response on the Ukrainian President’s website. Allegedly, President Zelenskyi gave a positive answer to a petition to replace the monument.

According to StopFake, five similar petitions have been published on the Ukrainian President’s website with a request to demolish the monument to the Russian empress. Two of them collected more than 25 thousand signatures from Ukrainians, and it means that the President had to consider them and give an answer.

The first petition asked to demolish the monument, and the second — to replace it with a statue of Billy Herrington, a pornfilms actor of the 1990s. The President's answers to both petitions are almost the same: he turned request to the Odessa City Council to consider it within its competence. The monument to Catherine II is recognized as a monument of local importance, and only the local authorities can manage its fate.

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