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Disclosure Russia systematically spreads fake news about NATO through the media of occupied Crimea

Human rights defenders of the non-governmental organization "Crimean Tatar Resource Center" researched and presented trends of Russian disinformation about NATO's goals, values​​, and work in the temporarily occupied Crimea.

There are the following trends:

In April-May 2022, propagandists actively justified the invasion by saying that Ukraine will try to return Crimea by military means if it joins NATO.

In June, the message changed: it is alleged that NATO is unleashing the third world war and "beats Ukraine" to attack Crimea.

In July, propagandists began to say that Russia is already "at war with NATO" not with Ukraine.

NGO “Detector Media” has been working for our readers for over 20 years. In times of elections, revolutions, pandemics and war, we continue to fight for quality journalism. Our experts develop media literacy of the audience, advocate for the rights of journalists, and refute Russian disinformation.

“Detector Media” resumes the work of our Community and invites those who believe that the media should be better: more professional, truthful and transparent.
