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Fake Western countries threaten Russia with a nuclear strike

Such information is being disseminated by Russian propaganda media. It also appears in anonymous pro-Russian telegram channels. The reports say that the West is allegedly using "nuclear blackmail" against Russia and "some representatives of the leading NATO states speak out about the use of weapons of mass destruction against Russia".

In such messages, propagandists refer to the words of Russian President Volodymyr Putin. Putin, of course, really said this, but his statements have nothing to do with reality.

The fact-checker StopFake drew attention to the spread of fakes on the network. According to sources, in fact, neither the US, nor the EU, nor NATO has ever threatened Russia with the launch of nuclear warheads. At the same time, the threats were just from the Kremlin officials.

Even now, in the conditions of the war unleashed by Russia, the Kremlin not only directly declares the possibility of using nuclear warheads, but also uses the seized Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant as an additional “nuclear leverage”. Over the past weeks, there have been many hints from Russia about the possible use of nuclear weapons. By spreading information about the so-called threats from the West, the Kremlin seeks to shift responsibility from itself.

Like, everything happens only because there was a direct threat to Russia. Transferring responsibility is not a new tactic for Russian propagandists. In particular, Russia has repeatedly stated that it attacked Ukraine for reasons of its own security, otherwise Ukraine would have done it first.

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