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Fake Volyn and Rivne regions will be affected by an earthquake from Turkey

After the earthquake in Turkey and Syria in the Ukrainian segment, the telegram began to spread messages that an earthquake with an amplitude of 8-9 points was allegedly moving to Ukraine. Reports say that the Vrancea zone in Romania could become its epicenter. Like, the residents of Volyn and Rivne should prepare for a natural disaster, in particular, teach children how to behave in such a situation. These messages are improper.

So far, there are no weighty arguments that an earthquake with a magnitude of 8-9 points can occur in Volyn and Rivne. The Vrancea zone is a seismically active zone located at the junction of the Southern (Romania) and Eastern (Ukraine) Carpathians. However, as the fact-checkers of the “Brekhunets” (Lier) project explain, the southwestern part of Ukraine, which is directly affected by the Vrancea zone, is potentially classified as a zone with an intensity of 6 to 7 points. In general, on the territory of Ukraine there are no such deep faults in the earth's crust as in Turkey, so local earthquakes cannot reach 8-9 points on the Richter scale. Most of the territory of Ukraine is located in a zone with an earthquake intensity of 4-6 points.

According to Constantin Ionescu, a managing director of the National institute for Earth physics (INFP), the earthquakes in Romania and Turkey on the same day is a coincidence. The surface seismic zones of these countries are not interconnected.

Probably, these messages were spread to telegram channels in order to further provoke a feeling of fear and panic among Ukrainians. Like, now you need to be afraid not only of rocket attacks, but also of natural disasters. Previously, they tried to intimidate Ukrainians with inevitable hunger and mass deaths due to the supply of heavy weapons.

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