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Fake Volodymyr Zelenskyi owns a villa in Florida and earns $11 million monthly

Propagandists spread information on social networks that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi allegedly owns a villa in Florida (USA) worth $35 million, a total fortune of $1.2 billion, 15 houses, three private jets and $11 million of monthly income. It's fake.

Analysts of the CheckYourFact project drew attention to it. They could not find any confirmation of the data indicated by the propagandists. According to Forbes, Zelenskyi's total net worth as of April 2022 reached $20-30 million. There is no evidence of private jet ownership, and his real estate portfolio is valued at $4 million. Zelenskyi owned a $4.6 million villa in Italy but sold it in 2020. Forbes Ukraine and Presidential speaker Serhii Nikoforov, in comments to AFP Fact Check in March of this year, stated that the propagandists' information on this matter was not reliable.

Thus, propagandists want to discredit the President of Ukraine. Allegedly, the Ukrainians are fighting, and he earns in the war. Personal attacks against Zelenskyi often appear in Russian propaganda. In particular, Detector Media has repeatedly written about fake covers of various world publications, directed personally against the President.

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