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Fake Video of the Odesa territorial recruitment and social support center employees allegedly handing out draft notices in Santa Claus costumes

Propaganda Telegram channels are actively spreading information that in Odesa, employees of the Territorial recruitment and social support center allegedly handed out draft notices in the guise of Santa Claus. However, this is not true.

This is reported by the Center for Countering Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council. Its experts found out that in fact this video has no relation to the work of territorial procurement centers. The recording shows volunteers who organized a charity event for children to congratulate them on the holidays and collect gifts for children from the Kherson region, which suffered from the war.

Such fakes are used to undermine trust in the territorial recruitment and social support centers, create a negative impression of the mobilization, and spread panic among the population. Propagandists often use such manipulative techniques to distort real events and discredit the Ukrainian authorities.

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