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Fake The Minister of Health allegedly announced a reduction in spending on prosthetics and rehabilitation of military personnel

Information is being spread on social media that Ukraine plans to reduce spending on prosthetics and rehabilitation of military personnel starting in 2025. This is attributed to the Minister of Health of Ukraine, Viktor Liashko, along with a fabricated quote about the state's lack of responsibility towards the military. However, in reality, this is a fake.

This is reported by StopFake. The project's specialists found out that there are no similar statements by Liashko in official sources or in the media. Moreover, for 2024 and 2025, the state not only did not reduce, but also increased funding for the relevant programs.

According to the budget, in 2024, UAH 4.3 billion was allocated for primary prosthetics and rehabilitation equipment, which is 40% more than last year. In 2025, this amount will increase to UAH 4.6 billion. UAH 1.1 billion is also provided for high-tech prosthetics. UAH 5.7 billion was allocated for rehabilitation services in the budget, and they remain free of charge for military and civilians.

Russian propagandists spread such fakes to create distrust in Ukrainian society towards the state and its social programs. Such disinformation is aimed at discrediting the Ukrainian authorities, accusing them of alleged indifference to the injured servicemen, creating panic and disappointment among the servicemen and their families. This fake is also used to divert attention from the real problems of the Russian side.

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