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Fake US President Richard Nixon predicted an American war in Ukraine

Russian media broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric spread the information that the 37th US President Richard Nixon wrote in his letter to Bill Clinton that an “American” Revolution of Dignity and an “American War” would take place in Ukraine. It's fake.

The case was investigated by the fact-checkers of the StopFake project. Richard Nixon envisioned a change in Russia's nascent democratic course to an authoritarian one and an invasion of Ukraine. Russian propaganda manipulates real quotes from Nixon's declassified 1994 letter to Clinton. He also noted that the situation in Kyiv is “explosive” and asked to strengthen the US diplomatic presence in Ukraine. There was no mention of “American” wars and revolution in Nixon's letter.

Russian propaganda systematically spreads the message that Ukraine depends on Western partners and is a puppet of the event, and the war is a confrontation between the United States and Russia, and not Russian aggression against Ukraine. However, it was Russia that started the war in Ukraine and is fighting not with the collective West, NATO or the United States, but with Ukraine. Earlier we talked about the message that Volodymyr Zelenskyi is a puppet of the West, and the “Kyiv regime” is similar to apartheid.

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