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Fake Ukrainian terrorists created "flying death squads" in bandermobiles.

Colonel General Mikhail Mizintsev, the head of Russia's National Defense Control Center, spewed another batch of fakes at a briefing. He claimed that "nationalist battalions" in Kharkiv are taking cars from the population, converting them into "bandermobiles" - and driving them around the city as "flying death squads." Mizintsev claims that the nationalists are randomly firing large-caliber machine guns at residential buildings, while civilians are hiding from them in basements. He also stated that it is impossible to leave Kharkov because the nationalist battalions are using the city's residents as human shields. "There is a critical humanitarian situation in the city," he added.

In fact, Kharkov residents are hiding in basements from artillery and bombing by the Russian army, it is still possible to evacuate from the city, the only reason for the humanitarian crisis is the invasion of Russian troops, and there are no bandermobiles.

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