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Disclosure Ukrainian refugees abroad are offered money to gather for rallies called Ukraine Needs Peace

Ukrainians in Europe began to receive messages inviting them to gather for protests in European cities and take up posters with the inscriptions: “Give people peace”, “We want peace in Europe”, “Important people”, “Ukraine is the most tired of all”, “We demand peace!” and things like that. The senders of such messages claim that the demonstration itself will last only 5-10 minutes, and during this time it will also be necessary to shoot a video. In addition, there is a prepared text for the rally, after reading which presumably on camera the performer will receive as much as 100 euros. All other protesters are promised 50 euros each or “payment for the road and delicious coffee”.

The text, which is supposed to be read by one of the protesters, contains unusual constructions for the Ukrainian language. For example, “in Ukraine” or “the Hungarian branch of a public association of Ukrainians”. In addition, this text mentions the “voice of reason” of Arestovych, who allegedly “suffers attacks” from Zelenskyi. However, it is worth noting that the former adviser to the Office of the President of Ukraine was distinguished by his defense of “good Russians” and destructive statements about Ukraine, its authorities and the Armed Forces of Ukraine, therefore, as a result, the SBU began to deal with him.

Among other messages of planned rallies, the following should be heard: “war for them (ed. – the military-political leadership of Ukraine) is unlimited power, and for the common people it is a deep demographic catastrophe, daily horrors and impoverishment in a foreign land” or “if it’s difficult now to talk about peace, first we will discuss a ceasefire!”.

Unknown people expect to gather 30-35 Ukrainians for such rallies. We urge one not to fall for such messages and to respect the Ukrainian military, who at the cost of their own lives are protecting the citizens of Ukraine from the Russian invasion. Previously, we analyzed disinformation about alleged payments to all Ukrainians in the amount of 6,600 hryvnia.

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