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Fake Ukrainian media published an infographic showing the percentage of mobilized citizens by region

Such a message was circulated on social networks, in particular on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say that Ukrainian media have published an infographic that allegedly indicates the number of people mobilized since the beginning of 2023 in certain regions of Ukraine. According to these data, the largest number of mobilized is in the Odesa region. The Odesa region is followed by Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, Poltava, Ivano-Frankivsk and Lviv regions. The authors of the messages add that, allegedly, the current Ukrainian authorities “destroy Russian-speaking Ukrainians” in this way. It's a lie.

The fact-checkers of the VoxCheck project drew attention to the case, they investigated that the Ukrainian media did not publish such infographics, while there is no data on the total number of the mobilized in open sources. As the checkers explain, the infographic contains a list of areas where one area is misspelled. Instead of “Mykolaiv” you can see “MIkolaiv”. Information on mobilization in the regions is indicated only in a few areas. For example, the situation in Kyiv, Transcarpathians, Cherkasy and other regions is not indicated, although mobilization continues throughout Ukraine. Analysts also failed to find Ukrainian media that would distribute such infographics. Therefore, analysts are convinced that the information on the infographics was invented and the Ukrainian media did not distribute the infographics.

Analysts of Detector Media have repeatedly analyzed cases related to Ukrainian mobilization. For example, we refuted a fake about the alleged forgery of a document of a minor by one of the Territorial recruitment and social support centers. We also explained a case about a false document that was distributed by the Russians, claiming that young people from 15 to 18 years old are forbidden to travel abroad.

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