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Message Ukrainian authorities do not warn Ukrainians to leave big cities

Pro-Russian telegram channels write about this. They say that in big cities the situation is critical due to damage to energy, water and heat supply systems. However, the government is irresponsible, does nothing and is silent. This is not true.

The authorities have been talking about the difficult winter period for a long time. After rocket attacks on October 10, when 30% of Ukraine's energy system was damaged, such reports have become more frequent. The authorities, both at the central and local levels, informed the Ukrainians that it was necessary to stock up on drinking and technical water, candles and other essentials.

On the air of TV channels, radio stations and other media there are numerous explanations and recommendations for Ukrainians. The government also launched the state program "DrovaYe" (We have firewood) and exempted goods "important for the heating season" from VAT and import duties. At the local level, alternative sources of water supply are being developed in case of an emergency.

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