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Fake Ukrainian Armed Forces allegedly preparing a ‘new Bucha’ in Sudzhia

Russian propagandists claim in the media that the Ukrainian Armed Forces are allegedly preparing a ‘new Bucha’ in Sudzha and are using civilians as human shields. However, such reports are part of an information campaign aimed at concealing a war crime committed by Russian forces - specifically, the killing of a civilian resident of Russia during an airstrike on an orphanage in Sudzha.

This was reported by the Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security. Its experts assert that in this case, the responsibility for the deaths lies with the Russian authorities, who refuse to organize humanitarian ‘green corridors’ for evacuation, while continuing to shell their own citizens using aviation and artillery. On the other hand, Ukrainian soldiers strictly adhere to the norms of international humanitarian law: they provide civilians with access to drinking water, food, medications, hygiene products, and also offer medical assistance. Meanwhile, during the occupation of the Bucha district of Kyiv in 2022, Russian war criminals killed at least 1,190 Ukrainian civilians.

Propagandists spread such fake news for several reasons, aiming to achieve political, military, and psychological goals. Such statements divert attention from the war crimes committed by the Russian army. Creating a false narrative of Ukraine's ‘guilt’ allows the actions of Russian soldiers to be justified as those of ‘defenders’. Propaganda shapes a false picture of events for Russian citizens, justifying the war as ‘defense’ against an imagined threat. The creation of an enemy image, which is allegedly committing crimes, strengthens support for the war among the population. Through such fakes, the Russians also seek to discredit Ukraine in the eyes of the international community, portraying it as a violator of international law. Such statements often serve as informational cover for future provocations or terrorist acts that the Russian side plans to carry out, but attempts to blame Ukraine for them.

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