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Fake Half of Ukraine's rescuers are allegedly going to be sent to the front

Russian anonymous Telegram channels are actively spreading disinformation that allegedly 50% of Ukraine's emergency responders from the State Emergency Service (SES) will be sent to the front. However, this is false information aimed at sowing panic among the population and undermining trust in Ukrainian state institutions.

This is reported by the Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security. Its experts have clarified that, according to an official statement from the SES, 90% of personnel are already reserved and continue to perform their duties. All key units, including firefighters, rescuers, sapper teams, engineers, and chemists, are reserved. These professionals provide vital assistance in wartime conditions.

Russian propaganda systematically uses fake news to destabilize the situation in Ukraine, undermine the morale of citizens, and create distrust towards the government. Such information attacks are part of a broader strategy of information warfare aimed at weakening Ukrainian society and its resistance.

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