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Message Ukraine spreads “LGBT propaganda” to Ukrainian schoolchildren and destroys young minds

This thesis was widespread in the Russian segment of Facebook. Reports say that the “LGBTQization” of Ukrainian society is in full swing. And even in Ukrainian schools they create special LGBT education circles. In the messages, propagandists add that Ukrainian teachers are pandering to Europeans so that they can see the level of development of Ukrainian schoolchildren and their love for homosexuality. Actually, the authors hint that Ukraine is forcibly engaged in the “LGBTization” of Ukrainians. An alleged screenshot from the website of the Ivano-Frankivsk Lyceum is added to the publication, where they talk about the corresponding circle and give the advantages of visiting it. Among these, there is a high probability of “successful employment” in European companies.

StopFake analysts analyzed this case and found out that such information was untrue. They turned to the leadership of the lyceum, who confirmed that such a circle does not exist. There is also no announcement on the official website of the educational institution about the enrollment of children in extracurricular clubs and sections. The latest announcements concern catering. That is, the fake bots compiled a screenshot of the site and posted false information.

However, disinformers present the creation of such a circle as something unsafe and unnecessary for Ukraine. Although this is an adequate practice to develop consciousness and diversity in children. In our Newspeak section, we explained why a terrorist country is horrified by diversity and cherishes exclusively “traditional values” among its citizens. In short, Moscow shows how being part of the LGBTQIA community is considered unacceptable, a person is discredited; or why a person is considered “wrong”. Consumers of propaganda may be under the false impression that everything related to LGBT people is negative. Homosexuality is as natural as heterosexuality.

Russian propaganda presents any attempts by Ukraine to create a tolerant environment as a threat to the younger generation. Allegedly, children suffer from the dominance of “sodomy”, which is why, according to the Kremlin’s conclusions, Ukrainians are being turned into homosexuals. We described the horrors of Western “homodictatorship” and how Europe allegedly influences Ukraine in this way in a large study about homophobia on social networks.

By the way, read how Russia is trying to protect children from the “undesirable influence of LGBT people” here. Also, find out how it also justifies its invasion as an “LGBT invasion” in a study based on the results of an analysis of messages during the year of a full-scale invasion.

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