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Fake Ukraine showed Stoltenberg the fragments of a Ukrainian missile under the guise of a Russian one

Similar theses were heard on the air of Russian propaganda TV channels. They say that the Ukrainian authorities demonstrated to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg Ukrainian weapons disguised as Russian. With these weapons, Ukraine allegedly fired at the civilian population of Donbas, Belgorod, Briansk and Kursk regions. “It has been proven that the rocket fired at the railway station [in Kramatorsk] was Ukrainian. The same “Tochka U” missile that we [Russia] have long since withdrawn from service”. It's fake.

According to EUvsDiDiNFo analysts, there is strong evidence that Russian troops attacked the Kramatorsk railway station on April 8, 2022 with a Tochka-U missile. Contrary to propaganda claims, the Soviet Tochka-U missile system is still in use by the Russian army. This is evidenced by video recordings of transportation through Belarus in March 2022, which were posted on the Belarusian Haiun telegram channel.

Also, according to military experts from the Conflict Intelligence Team, an analysis of the Tochka-U flight path proves that the missile was fired at Kramatorsk from the southwestern region, where the Russian army and illegal armed formations of the occupied regions of Donetsk and Luhansk regions are located.

Thus, Kremlin propagandists are trying to hide their shelling of civilians and civilian objects in Ukraine. They call it another provocation by Ukraine to discredit the Russian troops. Earlier, Detector Media told how the Russians boasted on social networks about the shelling of the station in Kramatorsk, and then deleted their messages.

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