Spilnota Detector Media
Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Fake In Ukraine, they sell wax chalk from the True Pencil brand with inscriptions about Russians, Moscow and Crimea

Anonymous telegram channels broadcasting pro-Russian rhetoric spread information that in Ukraine they sell wax chalks of the True Pencil brand with inscriptions: “A bag with the corpses of Russian soldiers”, “Blood in which we will drown Crimea”, “Fire when we burn Moscow”. They also attached a photo on the brand's Instagram page. It's fake.

According to the VoxCheck fact-checker, there are no wax chalks of the True Pencil brand in Ukraine. Keyword searches and reverse image searches also yielded no results. Experts note that the link to the Instagram store provided by the propaganda does not work either. So the page was either deleted or it didn't exist.

Experts also noticed that in one photo one word was written on a yellow pencil, and in another photo several words were written. Also, these inscriptions differ in font. And the inscription “Urine when we pee on Russian prisoners” is incorrect, because the word “pee” in the Ukrainian language has a different meaning - to draw in liquid. To say about urination, there is a vulgarism “to pee”. The word is also incorrectly used on the green chalk. There is a mistake in the inscription “Grass into which all Russians will rot” – in Ukrainian it is correct to say “perehhnyiut” (rot), and in this case it would be even more correct to use the word “zhnyiut” (rot).

Thus, Russian propaganda is trying to dehumanize Ukrainians in the eyes of Russians and make Ukraine look like an aggressor. The propagandists are trying to whitewash themselves and become the victim, not the aggressor. Previously, Detector Media talked about how Russia blurs reality with the help of a newspeak: “Russophobia”.

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