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Manipulation Ukraine seems to have to mobilize women and children

Pro-Russian resources write that Ukraine needs to mobilize women and children. In asserting this, they refer to the head of the Special Staff of Ukraine in the Bundeswehr, General Christian Freuding, who allegedly made a corresponding statement. They say this can be explained by the large losses at the front on the Ukrainian side.

In fact, this information is distorted. This was reported by the Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security. In an interview with the German broadcaster RND, General Freuding did talk about the need to mobilize more conscripts to replenish the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but he did not say anything about “mobilizing women and children”.

In addition, during a press conference on December 19, 2024, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi stated that he would not sign the law on the mobilization of women.

Russian propaganda is once again speculating on the topic of mobilization, which is sensitive for Ukrainians. It should be noted that this spread of misinformation occurred against the backdrop of public discussions on the mobilization bill. More materials on this topic can be found here.

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