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Manipulation ​​Ukraine demands to destroy Belarus by opening a second front

Such information appeared in Russian propaganda media and telegram channels broadcasting pro-Russian rhetoric. Like, in Ukraine they “called” to open a second front and “destroy Belarus”. Propaganda reports say that ex-representative of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Vladyslav Selezniov called for such actions on the air of the FreeDom TV channel. According to the propagandists, the Ukrainians are trying to “rub Belarus into dust”. It is also reported that Selezniov allegedly called for strikes against military targets and critical infrastructure on the territory of Belarus using American HIMARS systems. However, this is all manipulation.

The fact checkers of the StopFake project drew attention to the case. In a commentary to fact-checkers, Selezniov denied the propagandists’ allegations and explained that in fact, the interview said that there should be an adequate response to some kind of attack from the territory of Belarus. There was no talk of any demand to open a second front. As StopFake writes, in an interview with FreeDom, Vladyslav Selezniov spoke about the use of HIMARS systems on Belarusian territory, answering the question of what the consequences would be for the Belarusian regime if Belarus entered the war against Ukraine. To this, Selezniov replied that in this case the Belarusian regime would fall, and the Belarusian army, although it spends a lot of time at the training grounds, is not ready to participate in the war, and is also well aware of how they will be met in Ukraine.

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