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Fake Ukraine allegedly exports electricity to Romania

On the ENTSO-E website, the Ukrainian woman found information that Ukraine allegedly sells electricity to Romania, while its own citizens are forced to sit by candlelight and buy generators. Videos of this discovery are being distributed by propaganda publications and telegram channels. However, this is fake.

Specialists from the Center for Countering Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine drew attention to it. They found out that Ukraine does not export electricity to the EU, but provides transit flows between European countries.

This was confirmed by the head of the board of NEC Ukrenergo Volodymyr Kudrytskyi in an interview with Hromadske. He explained that to check the absence of exports, you can look at the Scheduled Commercial Exchanges tab on the ENTSO-E website, where trade transactions are displayed.

Russian propaganda, taking advantage of the lack of awareness of Ukrainians, is spreading conspiracy theories with the aim of undermining citizens' trust in the authorities and directing their discontent towards Kyiv, and not towards Moscow, which created this crisis by striking Ukrainian energy facilities.

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