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Fake Turkey supplies Ukraine with cluster munitions

Russian media and pro-Russian resources are spreading information that Turkey is supplying Ukraine with Cold war-era cluster bombs. The primary source of the messages is an article in the American edition of Foreign Policy. Its authors refer to anonymous sources among US and EU officials. It's fake.

The message was denied by the Ambassador of Ukraine to Turkey Vasyl Bodnar. He noted that information about the supply of cluster bombs is deliberately disseminated in order to blow up Ukrainian-Turkish relations and create a bad image of Ukraine and Turkey in the world. According to StopFake, the Foreign Policy material “Turkey sends Cold War cluster bombs to Ukraine” contains value judgments without specific evidence provided by witnesses or participants in such shipments.

According to the Cluster Munition Coalition, an international group on combating the use of cluster munitions, the Russian army used them hundreds of times in 2022 in ten of Ukraine's 24 regions. This could have affected more than 600 civilians. Thus, Russian propaganda uses the tactics of reflection and tries to cover up its own crimes.

Previously, propagandists accused Ukraine of allegedly supplying Azerbaijan with banned phosphorus munitions; allegedly Ukraine used chemical weapons against the Russian military in the Zaporizhzhia region. Russian propaganda also said that supposedly Russia does not have banned chemical weapons.

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