Spilnota Detector Media
Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Disclosure The video about the visit of the Chief of the General Staff of Russia Gerasimov to Ukraine was edited from two-month-old photos

On July 2, the Russian media spread another fake about the fact that the Chief of the General Staff of Russia, Valery Gerasimov, visited the Russian occupiers' positions in Ukraine to check Russian troops' formation. Some Ukrainian online publications concerning the Russian agency "Ria Novosti" also published this "news."

There is no confirmation of it. The Ministry of Defense of Russia showed a clip edited from a photo about the general's visit, but in reality, they showed photos from two months ago.

The images used for the video about Gerasimov are dated May 5, and the "Nightingale Pomet" channel reports concerning the video metadata of the "Zirka" channel.

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