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Message The USA warns Ukraine not to prepare for new terrorist attacks

Back in April, Ukraine recognized Russia as a terrorist state, and since then pro-Russian and Russian mass media, Telegram channels, and bloggers have been trying to spread the mirror message that Ukraine is a terrorist state.

Another reason for this was an article in The New York Times, in which unnamed "representatives of US intelligence" and "American officials" believe that Ukraine is involved in the murder of Oleksandr Dugin's daughter Daria.

The article also states that American officials didn`t know about the special operation in advance, didn`t provide any information to the Ukrainian side, and were surprised that they weren`t consulted before the special operation.

The article doesn`t specify why any country in the world should consult with representatives of the US government when conducting its covert operations. Moreover, the article doesn`t specify who exactly in the Ukrainian government could authorize such a special operation and why.

Blogger Anatoliy Shariy even recorded an urgent video about this gender, where he read the material of The New York Times and tried to convince the audience that this publication is a warning to the Ukrainian government from American officials so that Kyiv doesn`t think about preparing "further terrorist attacks in the style of September 11." Moreover, Shariy noted that the Americans had already known the target, so they wanted to distance themselves from the consequences of this future terrorist attack.

All these fictions of Shariy are part of a more general message promoted by Russian propaganda about Ukraine as a "terrorist state". For the same purpose, Russian Telegram channels call Ukraine "ISIS", or "Ukrainian State" group, and react in this way to real evidence of terrorism by the Russian state - the bombing of civilian infrastructure, shelling of residential buildings, seizure of nuclear power plants and mass crimes against citizens of Ukraine in the occupied territories.

Ukraine has repeatedly stated that it had nothing to do with Dugina's murder. However, the Russian special services have repeatedly killed or tried to kill political opponents of the regime or inconvenient witnesses - mostly they poisoned them, but they also killed them with firearms and even blew them up in cars.

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