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Manipulation The US supports Ukraine in the war due to interest in Ukrainian titanium

Russian propaganda is spreading information that the United States seems to be supporting Ukraine in the war against Russia because of its interest in access to titanium deposits. This is manipulation.

The Russian media are spreading the news with reference to an article in the American edition of Newsweek called “The battle for Ukraine’s titanium”, which really discusses the prospect of investing by American companies in the development of deposits of this strategically important metal, including for the production of weapons. The article also says that Russia will receive a strategic advantage if it controls mining in the occupied territories, although it did not name the seizure of Ukrainian titanium deposits among the reasons for the war. The United States still depends on Russian titanium, and therefore does not impose sanctions on the oligarchs who own factories for the extraction and processing of titanium ore. And the occupation of Ukrainian titanium deposits can strengthen this dependence.

The article does not say anything about the fact that the United States supported Ukraine in the war precisely because of titanium reserves. The point is only that after the end of the war, American investors could meet the development of these deposits. But according to the authors of the article, Russia waging an aggressive war could hide behind fictitious reasons, pursue the goal and seize Ukrainian resources.

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