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Message The UN Security Council “doesn’t give a damn about suffering of Donbas inhabitants”

This thesis was spread on social networks, in particular on telegram channels that broadcast pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say that the UN Security Council refused to allow a representative of the occupying authorities, the so-called “DNR ombudswoman” Daria Morozova to attend the meeting. Consequently, the authors began to disseminate the thesis that “the UN does not perceive the inhabitants of Donbas as people”, as well as “West does not give a damn about the suffering of the inhabitants of Donbas”. At the same time, the authors emphasize that the UN does not seem to want to hear “first-hand information about the catastrophic humanitarian situation in Donbas”.

The fact-checkers of the StopFake project drew attention to the case, they found out that the refusal of the UN Security Council to allow the so-called “DNR ombudswoman” to the meeting has nothing to do with “russophobia” or “the West’s refusal to learn about the problems” of residents in the Ukrainian territories temporarily occupied by Russia. On March 17, the UN Security Council voted against the participation in the meeting of a representative of the occupying authorities in Ukraine because of the illegitimacy of such a position. The “DNR ombudsman” is a fictitious position, as well as a fake political entity not recognized by many countries of the world. Analysts emphasize that representatives of the occupying authorities are trying to legitimize the Kremlin's “referenda” at gunpoint in the occupied Ukrainian territories.

It is Russia that is responsible for the humanitarian situation that has developed in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine in connection with Russian aggression. Ukraine is open to international investigative commissions and, unlike Russia, contributes in every possible way to the investigation of crimes committed during the war.

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