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Disclosure The Russian community discredits Zelenskyi in Germany

Pro-Kremlin resources are distributing online photos of leaflets depicting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi, who holds out his hands and asks for money in different languages of the world. According to propagandists, such leaflets began to appear in European countries.

In fact, these postcards were posted by the Russian community in Germany. This was reported by the Center for Countering Disinformation under the National Security and Defense Council after contacting the Ukrainian Embassy in Germany and the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry. They were posted solely to create propaganda content, after which the leaflets were torn off by the Russians themselves.

Thus, Russia continues to portray Zelenskyi as a “beggar”. Finally, the goal of such actions is to influence the reduction of international financial support for Ukraine. Previously, we refuted the information that graffiti with Zelenskyi was created in Munich, where Elon Musk beats him and forces him to “not whine for money anymore”.

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