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Fake The OSCE is directly involved in the war

This statement was made by the Russian propagandist Serhii Lavrov. His appeal says that the OSCE is engaged in adjusting the fire on the territory of Luhansk and Donetsk regions. Like, this is another organization of the West, against which Russia is waging war. However, this is not true.

According to experts from the Center for Countering Disinformation, no facts or evidence were provided in the statement.

The OSCE is an organization aimed at developing political dialogue and cooperation in the field of security. Since 2014, after Russia's military invasion of Ukraine, the OSCE sent a Special monitoring mission to Ukraine. According to the Mission's reports, its activities in the temporarily occupied territories, in particular in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, were illegally obstructed by Russia. 

Therefore, an organization that monitors the security situation and contributes to the settlement of the conflict cannot participate in the war.

The propagandists are spreading this fake to nourish their narrative of how Russia is at war against the collective West. In this way, they try to justify their defeats at the front. 

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