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Fake The National Gallery in London demands to take away the painting because it shows a man who looks like Putin

Propagandists spread the information that the National Gallery in London intends to remove from the exhibition a portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini and his wife, painted by Jan van Eyck in 1434. Allegedly, visitors to the gallery are outraged that the person in the picture looks like Russian President Volodymyr Putin. It's fake.

Reuters fact-checkers drew attention to this trend. They received a comment from the gallery speaker, who said that there are no plans to remove the painting from the exhibition now, since there are no complaints about it either. It is impossible to find any press releases for the removal of the picture, nor public calls for such actions.

The propagandists want to show in this way that Europe is choking on absurd russophobia. Like, in their blind hatred for Russia and everything Russian, Europeans stick to everything in a row. Detector Media has already described a particular vision of “russophobia” propagated by propagandists.

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