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Manipulation The IAEA is allegedly against imposing sanctions on Rosatom

Propagandists are disseminating information in the media that representatives of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) oppose the imposition of sanctions against the Russian state corporation Rosatom. Like, this was stated by Rafael Grossi, Director General of the IAEA. However, this is manipulation.

StopFake specialists drew attention to it. They pointed out that in fact the IAEA cannot impose sanctions and has no influence at all in this matter. Grossi said that he sees the possibility of negative consequences from the introduction of sanctions against Rosatom in terms of nuclear safety.

Rosatom combines assets in the energy, construction and engineering sectors. The corporation leads the world in terms of the largest portfolio of orders for the construction of nuclear power plants and provides services of this type in many countries. For example, Rosatom is building power units in Turkey, India, and Hungary. That is why, according to Grossi, although countries may politically support Ukraine, they will not support the imposition of sanctions against Rosatom, since they need the services of the corporation.

It is beneficial for Russian propagandists to spread fake information about the position of the IAEA, since this is an element of a campaign to depreciate the impact of sanctions on Russia. Within its framework, the Russians are trying to highlight the sanctions as not beneficial to anyone, which is why supposedly more and more Western politicians and representatives of international organizations refuse to support their introduction.

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