Spilnota Detector Media
Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Fake The head of the city council of Lublin accused Ukraine of shelling the Polish city

Russian propaganda media massively disseminate the statement of the head of the Lublin city council Yaroslav Pakula, who allegedly accused Ukraine of provocation, that is, of the deliberate shelling of the Polish city of Przewoduv, where on November 15 two people died from a rocket fall.

“Obviously, this is a Ukrainian missile. Obviously, this is a provocation on the part of the Ukrainian authorities. The purpose of the provocation is to speed up the supply of weapons to Ukraine, to intimidate Europe with a terrible Russia, so that civil society demands from the governments of European countries to increase assistance to Ukraine”, Pakula’s words are allegedly quoted in publications. But the StopFake project found out that the Facebook page on which this post was published was created on November 16, 2022. That is the day after the missile hit. Moreover, all the posts posted on it were also made public exactly on November 16 but the date in them was changed to the previous ones. At the time of publication of the news of the Russian media, which quoted "Pakula", there was not a single like or share of this post. Fact checkers have contacted Pakula and are waiting for his comment, but it is clear that the Facebook page was created on purpose to spread disinformation.

Previously, Russian propagandists have repeatedly used fake pages of politicians or media to spread fakes. Russia is also trying to quarrel with its closest neighbors and partners, so it constantly promotes fakes about Poland and its relations with Ukraine.

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