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Fake The British conceded the problems with the Ukrainian recruits

The Kremlin media are spreading another fake - that Ukrainian recruits who are studying in the UK are "shocked by the seen" as the "ignorant" "came from the villages" and it will be “difficult for them to resist those mobilized and trained from Russia”. The Kremlin media cite an article by the Financial Times. The article is really talking about the training of the Ukrainian military, and the instructors really talk about several problems in training the Ukrainians: the training lasts 5-6 weeks while the British military has 14 weeks. And the Ukrainians are from different units, so it will be difficult for them in the future when they return to their own units. But this is all.

Not a word is mentioned about "villages", about "lack of education", or that the Ukrainian military is "shocked" by training conditions that simulate conditions close to combat - including a lot of blood and torn off fake limbs; there are also actors playing the roles of the wounded. All these phrases about “not professional enough” Ukrainian recruits were simply invented by Russian propagandists and added to the news, referring to the Financial Times. At the same time, the following phrase was thrown out of the text by Lieutenant Colonel Harris, who supervises Ukrainian recruits:

“They are the most motivated, determined, hungry-to-learn trainees that I’ve worked with across the world in my 20 years of soldiering. That they train in water up to their knees for 36 hours and can still laugh, joke and quickly answer questions says it all for me.”

Russian propaganda is constantly trying to convince their local audience and part of the Ukrainian that mobilization will “turn the tide” of events at the front and that the Ukrainian military does not know how to fight. They attribute Russia's defeats in the war to the abilities of mythical "foreign mercenaries" and "NATO command".

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