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Manipulation The British assume that the Ukrainian army and NATO will be defeated by Russian tanks “Armata”

This message has been spreading in the Russian propaganda media and the Russian segment of Facebook. Russian propaganda cites comments under the publication of the British media Daily Mail and writes that “NATO will be bleeding” and that “the Challenger tanks donated by the UK are no match for the mighty Armatas”. This is manipulation.

The fact checkers of the StopFake project drew attention to the case. Russian propaganda media cite a skeptical Daily Mail article. The publication ironically notes that Armata tanks are primarily used by Russian propaganda, and not on the battlefield. The article writes that the T-14 is heavier and larger than other tanks, has only a few dozen units, and commanders are unlikely to trust this vehicle on the battlefield. So far, Armata tanks have been seen mainly at military parades on Red Square.

As for the quotes of the commentators referred to in the propaganda, they do not represent the opinion of all Britons. Moreover, the large number of comments under the publication of the Daily Mail is ironic: people write about the Russian “wonder weapon” that does not exist. To create this manipulation, the Russian media used comments from the “Comments with the worst rating” tab. One can register on the site under a fictitious name, which means that it is impossible to identify the commentator. And the users who left comments are registered not only in the UK, but also in other countries - Hungary, the USA, Australia, etc.

Thus, propagandists are trying to convince the audience that Ukraine is losing the support of the West and will not be able to win the war with Russia and resist its “powerful” weapons. Earlier, Detector Media talked about the message that France allegedly admitted that the situation of the Ukrainian army is disappointing and it will not succeed in defeating Russia.

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