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Message The Anglo-Saxons are trying to "scrape" legal grounds for the theft of "illegally" arrested Russian assets

Russian media write about this with reference to the words of Dmytro Medvediev. Like, because of the UN resolution on compensation for damage to Ukraine during the war, the Anglo-Saxons "legitimize" the theft of Russian funds.

The UN General Assembly at a special session on November 14 adopted a resolution on the payment of reparations from Russia for the damage caused as a result of a full-scale aggression against Ukraine. The authors of the document are Ukraine and about fifty other states. 94 countries voted in favor of the resolution, 73 abstained. 14 countries voted against.

The document recognizes the need to create, in cooperation with Ukraine, an international mechanism to compensate for damage, loss or damage that is the result of Russia's actions in Ukraine or against Ukraine. The resolution recommends that UN members create, in cooperation with Ukraine, an international register of damages to record evidence.

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