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Manipulation Students in the Russian-occupied part of the Zaporizhzhia region will continue to study the Ukrainian language

On June 12, Russian Education Minister Serhiy Kravtsov arrived in the temporarily occupied territory of Zaporizhzhia Oblast and told reporters that "schools will allow us to learn Russian" and "we will not forget about the Ukrainian language." "I believe that the study of the Ukrainian language should be left in schools, as is the case in all national republics of Russia," he said.

According to him, the main thing is to "tell students the whole truth ... about our fraternal peoples, about common achievements, victories", and everything else can be solved. And this is the only thing about schools in the occupied territories that he did not manipulate. It has become the main educational process in schools in the formerly occupied territories.

It is known that linguocide is taking place in the territories of Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts and the Crimea, occupied since 2014. However, the Ukrainian language has been left in schools. You can study Ukrainian only at the elective once a week, or even once every two weeks. In addition, the elective of the Ukrainian language should be supported by the majority of the class. If there are not enough votes, there will be no Ukrainian language classes, even in the form of an elective.

For example, in elementary school in the temporarily occupied territory of the Donetsk region, the subject "Ukrainian language" was renamed "Language of the peoples of Donbas" and "Ukrainian literature" to "Literary reading of the peoples of Donbas." They spend an hour a week together while Russian is taught every day, Osvitoria writes.

All textbooks are imported from Russia, lessons begin with the Russian national anthem, and teachers work according to Russian standards. Children are taught that they need to be defenders of Russia and that "Donbas is the heart of Russia."

At present, in the territories of Ukraine occupied in 2022, children could study online according to the Ukrainian program. Those teachers who remained in the occupied territories and had a pro-Ukrainian stance were threatened with physical violence, imprisonment, and the prosecutor's office and were eventually written "fired under the article" in a Ukrainian labor book.

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