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Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Disclosure Someone sends dangerous spam lists to Ukrainians' emails

The Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security reports a new tactic for cybercriminals. Attackers specifically accompany the dangerous file with text containing general phrases that may seem familiar to business correspondence:

“Hello, I am sending documents at your request. Please provide the incoming correspondence registration number.


Mobilization department.”

The names from which the letters come are ostentatiously invented, for example, Konotopenko Radyvoi Ratyborovych. The signature “mobilization department” can confuse and force one to click on the file.

Here are tips from the Center on how to protect yourself from cybercriminals:

- under no circumstances open files received from unknown addresses;

- install an antivirus and keep it activated;

- make backup copies of important documents and files to restore them in case of loss.

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