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Fake Shelling of the Transfiguration Cathedral in Odesa was planned by the Ukrainian authorities in advance

Russian propagandists in the media and anonymous telegram channels claim that Ukraine was planning an attack on the Transfiguration Cathedral in Odesa in advance. Like, this is confirmed by the fact that the Wikipedia article about the cathedral was supplemented with information about the destruction a few hours before the Russian missile struck Odesa. It's fake.

Specialists in the StopFake project drew attention to it. They found out that such a statement was conspiracy theories and that in fact the information was added to the article after it became known about the destruction of buildings in Odesa as a result of the Russian attack. The project accepted a comment from the administrator of the Ukrainian Wikipedia Anatolii Lutsiuk. He noted that in the history of editing Wikipedia, the UTC time zone is used, that is, with a difference of 2 hours from Kyiv time.

By spreading such conspiracy theories, the propagandists want to justify the crimes of the Russians and shift the responsibility for them to the Ukrainians. Detector Media explains every two weeks how Russian propaganda uses conspiracy theories for its own purposes.

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