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Fake Schools in Kyiv are preparing to distribute potassium iodide to protect against radiation

Pro-Russian Telegram channels spread information that Kyiv schools will allegedly receive the drug potassium iodide, which will be given to children if a radiation accident happens. They also distribute a sample application that parents are allegedly asked to fill out to give consent to taking medication in the event of an emergency. However, it isn't true. The Kyiv City State Administration reported that the message was fake. The Department of Education and Science of the KCSA didn't issue any orders regarding collecting consent from parents for schoolchildren to take potassium iodide.

According to the fact-checkers of the VoxCheck project, potassium iodide was received by all district state administrations of Kyiv, which are responsible for the immediate planning and preparation for evacuation in their areas and will issue the drug to the population if necessary. The Health Department of the KCSA also has potassium iodide reserves. Moreover, the Ministry of Health reported that the state has purchased the required amount of potassium iodide and will issue the drug organically if a radiation accident happens. We emphasize that the medicine should be taken only after an official warning about the threat of radiation release because potassium iodide is effective under the following conditions: 6 or less hours before the arrival of the radioactive cloud; simultaneously with the arrival of the cloud; 6 hours after emission.

Russian propaganda continues nuclear blackmail and intimidates Ukrainians with its consequences. Earlier, propagandists accused Ukraine of "nuclear terrorism" and wrote that Ukraine is being "prepared" for a nuclear accident, which will be arranged by "third parties," but they will blame Russia for this.

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