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Disclosure Russian propagandists are preparing a fake investigation about Olenivka

Russian media are spreading information that a foreign journalist is allegedly conducting an "independent" investigation into the deaths of Ukrainian prisoners of war in Olenivka. As the Russian publication Insider writes, NTV has already shown material about "independent journalist Adrian Boke", who is "one of the few who tells the truth about Donbas to the world". He was also introduced as an expert in war crimes investigations.

Boke is neither a journalist nor an expert. He is a former military man who lied too much during his service in the French army. The French publication Liberation wrote about it. He visited Ukraine from the beginning of the great war under the guise of a volunteer, and then went to Europe to tell that "Bucha is a stage" and that he is a witness to "crimes by the Nazis from Azov." The StopFake publication conducted its investigation of Boke's visit to Ukraine, he did not provide any evidence of "crimes" to anyone; I was simply not physically in Buchi; does not understand Ukrainian or Russian, so he could hardly understand what his "friends from Azov" were talking about. With whom he seemed to befriend as much as two days of his stay in Lviv.

His lies were repeatedly refuted by journalists of various publications, but Russian propaganda continues to use him. This time he has already announced that he has "evidence" that it was a Ukrainian missile that hit the POW camp.

Bokeh is another example of how Russian propaganda works: it constantly uses supposedly foreign journalists to spread its messages to a Western audience.

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