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Message Russian falsehoods about Ukraine's national debt: it will soon "exceed" 1000% of the country's GDP

In the Russian segment of social networks they write that by the end of next year, Ukraine’s public debt will reach more than 1000% of GDP.

“They had a great time jumping on the Maidan”, the propagandists mock.

First of all, propagandists have defiled the information about the country's external debt. In general, such debt is an important indicator of the country's financial stability and has a significant impact on economic development. It is an indispensable part of any country's policy and can be both a source of financing for economic development and a factor limiting economic growth.

For example, such a high figure is not uncommon even in countries with developed economies that are not at war. For example, the public debt of France, Belgium and the UK is 112%, 105% and 104% of GDP, respectively, and in Japan this percentage reaches 254 (data as of 2022).

So the propagandists have inflated the state debt figure by 10 times, and also completely ignored the context of the original news. Since the announcement of the Ministry of Finance was about reducing the external debt from 100.5% to 97% of GDP in 2025, that is, about the positive dynamics of this indicator. In total, the volume of external and internal state debt will amount to 8.2 trillion UAH. But this is, in general, a general economic factor accompanying the economy of many countries - and there is literally nothing “catastrophic” about it.

“Of course, this is a significant indicator. But we must not forget that we are a country at war. Therefore, at the current stage, the issue of debts is only in the context of the possibility of servicing and paying them off in the short term”, explained Finance Minister Serhii Marchenko at a briefing at the Ukrainian Media Center.

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