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Fake Romania claims Ukraine to be a part of it

Such information is disseminated by Russian propaganda media. The reports said that European countries seemed to have an ambivalent attitude towards Ukraine. Like, for example, Romania wants to take away a part of Ukraine. Allegedly, such a statement was made by the deputy of the Romanian parliament Diana Shoshoaké. The authors of the messages claimed that she had registered a draft law on the termination of the friendship treaty with Ukraine and the return of Northern Bukovyna, part of the Odesa region and Zmiinyi island to the Romanian borders. Shoshoaké indeed made such a statement and introduced a scandalous bill, but her statement does not indicate that this is the official position of Romania. Analysts at The Insider drew attention to the case. According to them, Shoshoaké was elected to the Senate in December 2020 on the list of the far-right Alliance for the Unification of Romanians (AUR) party and gained popularity as a eurosceptic, opponent of mandatory vaccination and anti-epidemic measures, as well as a supporter of conspiracy theories. But she was only a few weeks in the AUR parliamentary group: she was expelled after apologizing to the Russian embassy for a rally organized near its building in memory of the Romanians killed in 1941 by Soviet border guards who were trying to cross the border into Romania.

In general, Shoshoaké can be described as a pro-Russian politician. “In the spring of 2022, she was among four Romanian parliamentarians who met with the Russian ambassador to discuss the possibility of a neutral Romanian stance on the war in Ukraine. But even before that, in 2021, the Romanian-language editorial staff of the Russian propaganda publication Sputnik included Shoshoaké, who is not very popular in Romania, in their list of politicians of the year, writing that millions of Romanians are addicted to her “struggle for the observance of the Constitution and against the medical dictatorship” , analysts write.

After the introduction of the controversial bill and the expected sharp reaction from Kyiv, Shoshoaké said that Ukraine was threatening her with death, and called the Ukrainian a state of “the heir to the Nazi empire” and President Zelensky “nobody else but Hitler”. That is, the bill was indeed submitted to the parliament, but it was done by a pro-Russian politician. And the bill does not demonstrate the official position of Romania.

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