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Message Representatives of the LGBT community do not serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, so the bill on registered partnerships is not needed

This thesis was spread in the social networks of the Ukrainian segment. The reports say that representatives of the LGBT community do not serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which means that draft law No. 9103 on civil partnerships for same-sex and opposite-sex couples is “not needed”.

The case was noticed by the specialists of the VoxCheck project, who found out that the thesis that representatives of the LGBT community do not serve in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and do not participate in hostilities is not true. In 2018, an association “Ukrainian LGBT military for equal rights” was created in Ukraine. The founder of this organization is the then volunteer of the Donbas battalion, and now a fighter of the 72nd separate mechanized brigade named after Black Cossacks Viktor Pylypenko, who made the first coming out as a veteran participant in hostilities.

In 2019, for the first time, LGBT military marched in a column at the Equality March in Kyiv. Also in March 2021, the association “Ukrainian LGBT Military for equal rights” announced the recruitment of LGBT people, military personnel, specialists, as well as people friendly to the LGBT community in the ranks of one of the motorized infantry units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

If the draft law on the institution of registered partnerships is adopted, the document will apply not only to homosexual, but also to heterosexual couples. However, a registered partnership is different from a marriage. For example, partners do not change their last names, cannot adopt children, and do not have to be romantically involved. As human rights activist Sviatoslav Sheremet explained, parental rights remain only with the biological father or mother, the right of custody of the child is granted to the other partner only for the duration of the partnership.

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