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Manipulation "Nooses" and "anacondas" on the Ukrainian front

Resorting artistic images when government politics do not allow the use of a direct term is a classic propaganda technique. In particular, the image of a "loop" is used in the absence of an environment, which is a clear concept despite the definition.

For example, pro-Russian telegram channels from the "SBU list" increasingly call the combat situation in Severodonetsk a "loop." Propagandists refer to closed data obtained from British intelligence, according to which the Russian army is allegedly deliberately not closing the loop so that more Armed Forces soldiers fall into the trap. We cannot deny or confirm this information, but we pay attention to the manipulative nature of the concept used.

They also compare the situation to the "Anaconda Plan" concept during the American Civil War, which aimed to "suppress" trade by cutting off the connection between the east and west of the Confederacy. In fact, the famous name was invented by journalists, and historians are debating the effectiveness of the plan.

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