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Fake More than 10,000 Poles died in Ukraine in 1.5 years of war against Russia

The Kremlin media, citing the Polish edition of Mysl Polska, disseminated information that over 10,000 Poles died in Ukraine during the 1.5 years of the war against Russia - reservists, military personnel who were sent to war, calling them volunteers. It's fake.

The case was studied by the fact-checkers of the Center for Strategic Communications. There are no publications on this topic on the Mysl Polska website, although the publication has repeatedly published Russian fakes, but journalist Mateusz Piskorski denied the information, saying: “I explain to my Russian colleagues: the material they allegedly quote does not exist. It is necessary to check the sources, and not risk the image of those few Polish media that objectively write about the current war and do not join the choir of russophobes”. He also added that they have no information about the losses of the Polish military, moreover, according to him, even the Polish Ministry of Defense does not know them.

Thus, Russian propaganda is trying to sow panic and despondency among the Poles and Ukrainians, sow discord in relations between the two states. Earlier, we refuted the fake that Poland is asking to open the border with Russia for trade.

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