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Fake Monobank began collecting money for Okhmatdyt before the Russian missile attack on the hospital itself

On anonymous telegram channels they write that Monobank has begun collecting funds for Okhmatdyt before the Russian missile attack on a children's hospital. Users of social networks indicate different dates for the start of the collection: some write about July 5, others write about July 7.

VoxCheck analysts write that Monobank began collecting, in fact, for the restoration of Okhmatdyt on July 8, after the missile attack. The notice of collection was also received on this day.

For example, on the official website of the bank and in the personal telegram channel of Monobank co-founder Oleh Horokhovskyi, the date of the Russian missile attack on Okhmatdyt is indicated correctly - July 8, and the fee was announced after the attack.

The collection message was also sent to the Monobank mobile application on the 8th.

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