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Fake “Azov military” allegedly wore a T-shirt with a Hitler quote

Anonymous telegram channels in the Polish segment report that one of the members of the Azov special forces brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine allegedly put on a T-shirt with a “Hitler quote” and took a photo in front of the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland. The quote is: “Where we are, there is no room for anyone else”.

However, Polish media specialists from Gazeta.pl investigated this case and found that the words quoted on the T-shirt come from one of the black metal albums of the Russian band M8L8TH. And they do not belong to Adolf Hitler. Moreover, the journalists did not identify the person in the photo. It is most likely that Russian propagandists simply invented the figure of the “Azov military”.

Russian propagandists are pushing the idea that “Azov military” supports ideas that the modern world sharply rejects: anti-Semitism, Nazism or other types of xenophobia. Azov residents are shown as those who devalue people based on their origin. In Moscow’s vision, “Azov” is ready to kill for “Ukrainian blood”. This is not the first time that the Kremlin has portrayed Ukrainians this way, namely aggressive, ultra-nationalist and valuing only “Ukrainian blood”. For example, Russian propaganda has already spread fake news that women Ukrainian fighters are complaining that their men are receiving “Moscow blood”; or that Ukrainians prohibit foreign citizens from becoming blood donors.

Read also: The West continues to pander to the “Aryans”. What does propaganda write about lifting the ban on the supply of weapons to Azov?

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